luteolin honey
luteolin honey, or what is also called eucalyptus honey, is one of the most distinctive types of honey in terms of color, smell and taste. It is produced by bees pollinating the flowers of the eucalyptus tree, but the most important question remains: What are the benefits of eucalyptus honey?
Among the most prominent benefits of these flavonoids in eucalyptus honey are the following:
Alleviating the symptoms of colds, influenza, and respiratory diseases, especially phlegm, nasal congestion, and cough.
Enhancing the functioning of the immune system by providing the body with vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, multiple B vitamins, and others.
Reducing various infections in the body, especially urinary tract infections.
Reducing the risk of heart disease.
Improving the ability to sleep, and alleviating insomnia.
Reducing blood triglyceride levels.
Boosting energy levels in the body.
Relieve constipation, gastritis and other digestive disorders.